Imagine you want to move your SharePoint installation to a different server (i.e. server with a different name). You can do it simply by installing a new SharePoint on the server and restoring content databases. If you were running SQL Server Reporting Services in SharePoint integrated mode, the reports stored inside SharePoint won't be working anymore. Here is the fix:
1. Stop Reporting Services service on the server hosting the reporting services
2. Update path references in Reporting Services database:
3. Start Reporting Services service again
1. Stop Reporting Services service on the server hosting the reporting services
2. Update path references in Reporting Services database:
UPDATE [ServerParametersInstance] SET [Path] = REPLACE([Path],'http://old-server','http://new-server')
UPDATE [Schedule] SET [Path] = REPLACE([Path],'http://old-server','http://new-server')
UPDATE [Schedule] SET [Path] = REPLACE([Path],'http://old-server','http://new-server')
UPDATE [Catalog] SET [Path] = REPLACE([Path],'http://old-server','http://new-server')
Don't forget to replace old-server and new-server tokens with your values.